Monday, November 14, 2011

orphans no!

For anybody who has followed my blog for very long, you know that one of the things our family really loves to do is to help orphans become members of Christian families.  Here is an amazing video that David and Erica Shubin put together to share with their church body for Orphan it, you'll see a number of the families featured that we've been so privileged to come alongside in their adoption journeys.  Some of you have joined us in those journeys...thank you! 

I cannot watch this without tears of joy flowing.  We continue to rejoice that Silas and Zahra are now Shubins, Abby is now a Walser, Karis is now a Waulk, and Caleb is now a Maser.

Caleb is legally a Maser, but we still need to pray him HOME.  He is in Ethiopia waiting for some paperwork to clear to allow him to has been a long, painful wait...please PRAY for him and his family to be able to be united very soon.

A special thank you David and Erica for producing this wonderful video!  We love you and glad these adoption journeys have linked our lives together in friendship.

1 comment:


    Can't wait to make it one less - when God brings our next Wright home :)
